


North El Bromo area
Performed a potential reserve and economic study that included a multi-case development plan for a seismically defined structural feature on the Algeria-Tunisia border.  Productivity had been established by test drilling in both countries.


Certified reserves for blocks 0, 14, 15, 17 and 18.  Recently conducted a technical due diligence for acquisition of deepwater Block 32.  Also performed a probabilistic analysis of the exploration potential of blocks 21 and 22 in the Kwanza Basin.  Also, evaluated the Kiame field.   Currently conduct extensive evaluations of offshore gas resources and reserves for a major E&P consortium.  Details are confidential.


Evaluated the Aje field.


Estimated reserves, production profiles and cashflow for the following fields:  East Mibale, Emeraude, Gco, Gco South, Gco West, Kifuku, Kinkasi, Liawenda, Libwa, Lukami, Makelekese, Masseko, Mibale, Misato, Moko, Motoba, Muanda, Mwambe, Nsiamfumu, Tshiala, Tshiende and Yombo.

Cote d’Ivoire

Evaluated blocks B-1, CI-01, C-11, CI-26 (Acajou, Bahia and Espoir fields) CI-27, CI-40 (Baobab and Kossipo fields) and CI-202.


El Wastani and Gelgel Concessions
Performed independent reserves certifications of the concessions onshore the Nile Delta.  Estimated developed and undeveloped reserves from early-field-life volumetric evaluation to integrated study incorporating decline-curve analysis, material balance and analogy.  As more information became available, conducted ongoing volumetric assessments to support the study.  Significant part of the resource base was contained in thinly laminated, low-contrast sands.  Petrophysical evaluation required integration of wireline logs, cores, wireline formation tests, image-log data and production-test information to evaluate asset value. 

Western Desert

Amoun, Falak, Hayat, Kahraman C, Kenz, Khalda, Khepri'Sethos, Nader, Qarun, Ras Kanayes, Renpent, Safir, Safir North, Salam, Salam Deep, Shams, Shrouk B, Shrouk E. Tarek, Tut, Tut Deep, Yasser fields
Constructed detailed gas deliverability models for a reserves certification of all gas fields in the Western Desert operated by a major joint venture.  Integrated engineering and geological studies to estimate reserves and project future net income.  Performed seismic structural reviews that were integrated with petrophysical data and well-test analyses.  The results from this multidisciplinary review were used to build volumetric reserves estimates for all major reservoirs and to define flow conditions during future production.  Conducted engineering analysis on a field-wide basis using all available test data to validate basic well test flow conditions and to identify any possible flow barriers. Constructed an archival database of all the historical data (production, DST/MDT/RFT, pressure, PVT, wellbore diagrams, etc.) into an interactive CD-ROM format.  Ultimately, analyzed each field's plan of development, recovery efficiency, aquifer size, facilities configuration and operating plans to assist the operator in optimizing the depletion plan.

Ras Kanayes field
Evaluated various wells in addition to a 2D seismic database to determine the volumetric reserves potential of the Khatatba formation within the limits of the concession. In addition, conducted well log petrophysical analysis to evaluate the possible oil reserves potential of the Alam El Bueib formation.

Other fields that have been evaluated are:  Amoun, Atoun, East Bahariya, East Beni Suef, Falak, Hayat, Hayat W, Hequet, Kahraman B, Kahraman C, Kahraman South, Kahraman South B, Kenz, Khalda, Khepri/Sethos, Lobe A, Lobe B, Lobe C, Matruh, N Harun, Nader, Neag, Neith S, Operations, Ozoris, Qasr, Ras El Hekma, Renpet, Safir, Safir North, Sakr, Salam, Salam Deep, Salam North, Salam North Deep, Selkit, Shams, Shrouk B, Shrouk E, Tarek, Tarek Ne, Tut, Tut Deep, Tut Deep South, Tut Deep Sw, Tut West, Umbarka, Wadi Ryan, Wanda and Yasser.

Equitorial Guinea

Evaluated the Alba gas field and Block B.


Evaluated the following fields: Ablette, Assewe, Batanga, Breme, Echira, Ganga, Gombe, Lucina and West, East Orovinyare, Etame, Illwongue, Mbya, Monkounti, M’Polunie and West Mwenugi, Niungo, Olowi, Oquendjo, Oquenjo, Obando, Ompoyi, Orindi and West, Pelican, Rembo Kotto, Tchatamba Marine, Tchatamba South, Tchatamba West, Turnix and Vanneau.


As-Sarah field
Conducted a field study to evaluate the proven producing and undeveloped attic reserves. Performed volumetric analysis to determine reservoir volume and percentage of oil recovered in the swept area down to the oil-water contact as defined from producing water cuts and production logging data.

Nakhla field
Combined an audit of the structural interpretation, which incorporated a review of seismic and well data, with results of the independent petrophysical analysis to determine the original in-place oil reserves.  The results of the volumetric analysis were compared to the geological model and reservoir simulation results and incorporated into the analysis of the proved reserves of the field.


Evaluated the Pande and Temane fields.


Evaluated the following fields:  Abana, Ejulebe, Ima, Wes and West De.  Perform ongoing annual reserves and income updates to Akpo, Egina, Egina South and Preowei fields in Block OML130.  Also, perform an annual internal reserves audit of on- and offshore oil and gas properties for regulatory compliance in reporting for a supermajor international oil and gas company.   The IOC has more than 100 producing oil fields. 

Offshore Gulf of Suez

East Zeit field
Performed a detailed geological and engineering study of the original oil in place to estimate the volume of oil recoverable through existing wells and to assess drive mechanisms, recovery efficiencies and the need for additional drilling.

North July field
Evaluated the proved producing and undeveloped reserves potential of this Gulf of Suez field through a detailed engineering and geological study.  Using existing well and production data along with 3D seismic information, Ryder Scott calculated a volumetric estimate of the proved producing reserves base.  Integrated all area wells and seismic to evaluate the proved and probable reserves potential within the Hawara formation of a large undeveloped fault block adjacent to the producing field's wells.  Determined ultimate recoverable reserves and projected net income under the provisions of the production-sharing contract.

South Africa

Evaluated the Block 9, including the Eb, Eh, Em, Es fields; Also evaluated the Fa, Fad, Fah, Far and Faz fields.


Evaluated several offshore oil and gas fields to develop a plan of exploitation. Reserves certification served as a basis for financing.  

Sidi El'Kilani field
Evaluated the fractured Abiod formation within two wells through analyses of direct well performance and production analogs from offsetting fault blocks.  The reservoir characteristics of the naturally fractured formation complicated the determination of oil in place and remaining reserves.  However, a detailed evaluation of production data facilitated the reserves estimate.

West Africa

Completed engineering and geological studies of the Yombo field offshore Congo, Alba field offshore Equatorial Guinea and several fields offshore Côte d'Ivoire.

