

El Wastani and Gelgel Concessions

Performed independent reserves certifications of the concessions onshore the Nile Delta. Estimated developed and undeveloped reserves from early-field-life volumetric evaluation to integrated study incorporating decline-curve analysis, material balance and analogy. As more information became available, conducted ongoing volumetric assessments to support the study. Significant part of the resource base was contained in thinly laminated, low-contrast sands. Petrophysical evaluation required integration of wireline logs, cores, wireline formation tests, image-log data and production-test information to evaluate asset value.

Western Desert Fields include:

Abrar, Amoun, Atoun, E. Bahariya, Beni Suef, Falak, Ferdaus, Ganna, Hayat, Hequet, Kahraman , Kenz, Khalda, Khepri–Sethos, Matruh, Harun, Nader, Neag, Neith, Ozoris, Qarun, Ras El Hekma, Renpent, Safir, Salam, Salam Deep,Selkit, Shams, Shrouk B, Shrouk E. Tarek, Tarek, Tut, Tut Deep, Umbarka, Wadi Ryan, Wanda and Yasser

Constructed detailed gas deliverability models for a reserves certification of all gas fields in the Western Desert operated by a major joint venture. Integrated engineering and geological studies to estimate reserves and project future net income. Reviewed seismic data and integrated such interpretations into a static model. Analyzed well logs for petrophysical data, production tests and production data to build volumetric reserves estimates for all major reservoirs and to define flow conditions during future production. Analyzed the development plan, recovery efficiency, aquifer size, facilities configuration and operating plans to assist the operator in optimizing its depletion plan.

Ras Kanayes field

Evaluated various wells in addition to a 2D seismic database to determine the volumetric reserves potential of the Khatatba formation within the limits of the concession. In addition, conducted well log petrophysical analysis to evaluate the possible oil reserves potential of the Alam El Bueib formation.