

Alibekmola, Kozhasai, Karakuduk, North Buzachi and Arman fields

Prepared a due diligence report on gross 1P, 2P and 3P reserves and production forecasts. The study included detailed review on field development plan including development costs and operating costs and benchmarking of recovery factors in carbonate reservoirs.

Arystanovskoye field

Evaluated reserves of a multi-horizon field for operator. Focused on reservoirs with more than 85 percent of estimated field's reserves. Estimated oil reserves under both natural drive and water flooding. Analyzed operator's plans to commingle most of pay horizons into several development targets. Also, assessed reservoirs' resource potential not included in detailed study.

Doshan field

Evaluated reserves and prospective resources of geologically complex multi­horizon field in rift basin for client in Middle/Near East. Analyzed data from seismic surveys and a few wells in field study. Used nearby analogous field information to test and substantiate volumetric parameters and potential productivity of wells. Used judgment to advise on feasibility of commercially developing field. Provided recommendations on further exploration activities.

East Saztobe, Northeast Saztobe, Southeast Saztobe, South Karatobe, Laktibay, Yelemes, Tasym-Bekbolat fields

Used data from new wells and seismic to update oil, gas and condensate OIP volumes and reserves for a national oil company. Estimated recoverable volumes on the basis of both volumetric calculations and actual production history by well. Prepared materials for prospectus that was submitted to government agencies of interested country.

Karakuduk field

Reviewed an outside engineering study for a U.S.-based independent oil company and estimated future development potential. Ryder Scott continually updated and revised the geological interpretation using PETREL as wells were drilled and Ryder Scott constructed a 3-D reservoir flow simulation model using ECLIPSE to help the client identify areas of undeveloped potential. Ryder Scott also prepared year end reserves and income estimates for SEC filing.

Karazhanbas field

Performed a due diligence study on site to review development status of field containing heavy, highly viscous oil. Also examined field and oil gathering facilities and processing and transportation systems. Collected and analyzed information on field development economics. Based on previous year's actual production data, corrected production forecast in report prepared by another consultant.

Kashagan field discovery

In 2001 and 2002, Ryder Scott assisted an international consortium of companies working toward the commercialization of the Kashagan field discovery in the Caspian Sea offshore Kazakhstan. In addition to the deterministic evaluation of the reserves, also conducted a fully probabilistic evaluation of the technical, commercial and economic variables of the asset. Partners in the consortium estimate that the field has 7 billion to 9 billion barrels of recoverable crude.

Kenkiyak field

Prepared a cashflow model for a client seeking concession rights.

Kopa field

Performed in-depth geologic and engineering study of multi-horizon field containing heavy, highly viscous oil. Field featured a subsurface block structure with individual reservoirs that were limited both tectonically and lithologically. Partially corrected inter-well correlation and rebuilt structure and thickness maps. Assumed OWC depths conditionally for several reservoirs because contacts were not encountered in wells. Estimated OOIP volumes and reserves and contingent resources under SPE-PRMS guidelines for all horizons.

Kumkol field

Evaluated this and other upstream assets of independent oil and gas company. This evaluation was performed for a multilateral international bank and included a detailed analysis of the company's operations, field logistics and proposed capital expenditure program.

Northwest Konys field

Field has tectonically and lithologically controlled reservoirs. Evaluated reserves and contingent and prospective resources in discovered and potential reservoirs, including non-structural types. Used an innovative approach to estimate volumetric parameters of unconventional reservoir rocks. Estimated oil parameters in volumetric calculations based on analysis data from downhole samples. Built correlation between IP rate and net pay in a well. Prepared production and cashflow projections for field's co-owner, one of the biggest corporations internationally.

Northwest Zhetybai field

Evaluated oil reserves for multi-horizon field in accordance with U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission requirements. Estimated petrophysical parameters based on well data and analogies. Summarized well testing information. Prepared engineering projections of field development under natural drive and waterflooding. Provided recommendations for further study.

Prigranichnoye field

Poorly defined field had only one discovery well at time of independent study. Performed quality check of 3D seismic information in view of reliability of previous structural model. Estimated recoverable volumes of oil and classified quantities in accordance with SPE-PRMS. Volumetrically estimated contingent resources within discovered area. Used probabilistic Monte-Carlo method to estimate undiscovered prospective resources.

Shagyrly-Shomyshty field

Supervised well testing onsite and prepared preliminary interpretation. Also, developed approach to petrophysical model of reservoir rock and estimated volumetric parameters.

South Alibek field

Prepared geological maps on the KT-I and KT-II reservoirs for the 1P, 2P, and 3P limits, and estimated reserves and income for SEC filing.

Tagan Yuzhniy field

Operator had drilled new wells in the multi-horizon field containing highly viscous oil. Those wells penetrated additional pay horizons and changed the field's structural model. Used new data to complete a detailed correlation between "old" and "new" wells, picked out pay intervals and estimated their parameters. Built new structural model and remapped net pay distributions of productive sands. Used volumetric method to estimate OOIP and recoverable volumes that were classified in accordance with SPE-PRMS. Assessed feasibility of planned commercial field development scheme.

Tasbulat field

Reviewed field operations onsite for an outside interest owner. Gathered and analyzed geologic and engineering field data. Independently estimated reserves and found that reserves for specific reservoirs were inflated. Analyzed production histories and assessed current status and outlook for implementing waterflooding.

Tokarevskoye, Tciganoskoye, Ulyanovskoye, Gramyachinskoye, Vostochno- Gramyachinskoye, Teplovskoye, Zapando- Teplovskoye, Kamenskoye fields

Using international standards, independently evaluated the reserves of eight oil, gas, condensate fields in the Zapadno-Kazakhstanskaya Oblast. Project included petrophysical analysis and auditing of well log interpretations. Reservoir rocks were porous, porous-cavernous, porous-cavernous-fractured and fractured types, with productive layers represented by carbonate deposits. Complicating the analysis was limited digital logging data and a lack of directional survey information for some fields. Audited all structure and net pay maps of client, including checking fluid contacts.

Various undeveloped gas fields

Estimated volumetric reserves to further evaluate the potential of this relatively undeveloped area. Analyzed the economics of pipeline construction and field development.

Also evaluated the following fields

South Alibekmola
South Kumkol
Turgai Basin
West Yelemes
Zhana Makat