

West Buka/Hengham field

Evaluated the reserves potential of three wells drilled in the vicinity of this field. Reviewed available 2D seismic data along with petrophysical analysis of the well logs to develop deterministic reserves. The fracture carbonates of the Thamama and Mauddud formations were the main areas of study. In addition, reviewed the effect of lowering the base porosity cutoff and the contribution of fracture porosity to total volumetric reserves.

Block 30 field

Estimated the reserves of this carbonate field by using volumetric calculations. Performed geological evaluations of the faulted, four-way closure and analyzed 2D seismic data and well logs. Estimated future production subject to OPEC quotas from two productive reservoirs.

Buka field

Performed an engineering and geological study to determine ultimate recoverable reserves and to project income.